20+ Islamic Quotes About Husband and Wife

Marriage is a sacred union between two people and is predestined by Allah. Each spouse is required to fulfill their responsibilities so that their marriage becomes a success. And a successful marriage means attaining the pleasure of Allah and entering Jannah.

To help you strengthen the bond between you and your spouse, we have collected a list of 20+ Islamic quotes about husband and wife. Send one to your spouse today and see how loved they feel!

Islamic Quotes about Husband and Wife Relationship

A husband and wife relationship is considered sacred in Islam. Below is a list of related quotes that you can share. 

Islamic Quotes about Husband and Wife Relationship
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1. “The most amazing relationship is one in which husband and wife are both lovers and best friends.”

2. “Marriage is the proper way to establish correct and permissible relationships between men and women.”

3. “Love and mercy are important sentiments that brighten one’s life and give him a feeling of reassurance, security, and happiness. One of Allah’s great favors is the love and mercy that He instills among the married couple.”

4. “One of the greatest blessings a Muslim can receive in this world is a righteous and pious spouse.” 

5. “Both partners in a marriage should treat one another in a kind fashion in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the home.”

6. “Relationship between husband and wife is like the relationship between the hand and the eye. If the hand gets hurt, the eye cries and if the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.”

7. “If your spouse is angry, you should be calm. When one is fire, the other should be water.”

8. “When a married couple prays together, they share an intimacy that cannot be created by any other means. That feeling is amazing.”

9. “Spouses are described as garments for each other which means they are each other’s protector and defense through thick and thin. They fulfill each other and hide each other’s flaws and cover imperfections.”

10. “Marriage is an eternal unity of two souls who had met long before being born into this temporary world.”

Islamic Quotes about Love Between Husband and Wife

Looking for Islamic love quotes for your spouse? Here’s a list of them.

Islamic Quotes about Love Between Husband and Wife

1. “Love Allah for what He nourishes you with of His Blessings, love me due to the love of Allah, and love the people of my house due to your love of me.”

2. “I want to hold your hand in Jannah and say, ‘Finally, we’re here’”.

3. “I never thought halal love could be so beautiful until I married you.”

4. “In every Dua, I pray for you and your happiness. May Allah keep us strong for each other.”

5. “Without you, I would drift away aimlessly. Thank you, Allah, for giving me someone who keeps me safe and shows me direction in life.”

6. “I appreciate how you show love in your deeds, not your words.”

7. “No love between two souls is greater than what is between us.”

8. “You are worth loving, for you love Allah before loving me.”

9. “You are my greatest encourager, not my biggest critic. You wipe away my tears and never cause them.”

10. “My love, keep loving me, and I will love you back. May the love of Allah be with us forever.”

Islamic Quotes about Family

Family is just as important as your spouse. If you’re looking for Islamic quotes about family, you will find them here.

Islamic Quotes about Family

1. “Allah loves those who maintain strong ties with their relatives.”

2. “Kindness towards parents is one of the most important aspects of Islam.”

3. “Children are a blessing from Allah and we must cherish and protect them.”

4. “Forgiveness is a key component of a healthy family relationship.”

5. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”

6. “Teach your children the importance of Islamic values from a young age.”

7. “Family is not just blood relations. It also includes those who come into our lives and become family.”

8. “The love of a mother is unmatched and unparalleled.”

9. “A strong family is a cornerstone of a strong community.”

10. “Charity begins at home, with your family and loved ones.”


What are Some of the Best Quotes about Husband and Wife in Islam?

If you are looking for some of the best wife and husband quotes in Islam, they are as follows:

“I will ask Allah for you twice- once in the world and once in Jannah.”
“Sometimes, I just have to let her win because losing the argument is easier than losing her.”
“I will always give you my hand as we get up and take the road to Allah, for this world is not fitting for us.”
“Happily ever after is when we will step into paradise together, and that’s the true love we should work for.”
“I am proud to belong to you and to be called your better half.”
“Alhamdulillah! Thanks for taking good care of me and showing me what it is like to be loved by someone who truly cares.”

What is the Value of a Husband in Islam?

In Islam, the husband is required to provide his wife and family with both financial and emotional support. He is considered the backbone of a family whom his wife should obey as long as whatever he commands is halal. At the same time, the husband should respect his wife and treat her with love and kindness.

What is the Duty of a Wife in Islam?

According to Islam, the wife is expected to protect herself from haram activities and also protect her husband’s wealth. Besides that, she is required to obey her husband, give him support, take care of their children, and maintain the household.

Final Thoughts

As you have seen, we have compiled a list of the best Islamic quotes about husband and wife. If you are unable to convey your feelings toward your spouse through speech, you can send these quotes as a message. 

The quotes will make your spouse feel loved and encouraged to attain the Hereafter with you. We wish you a happy married life!

Talha Ubaidullah
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