Do You Have To Convert To Marry A Muslim | Truth You Should Know

If you’re a non-Muslim who has found a soulmate from Noble Marriage, this guide is just for you!

Love is an emotion which is inevitable and uncontrollable. The Almighty Allah bestows this feeling on mankind so that they can create everlasting partnerships through marriage. 

But as a person from a different faith, you should follow certain rules to validate your marriage to a Muslim. If you’re going to marry a Muslim man, conversion is optional, but if it’s a woman then it is necessary. 

How to Convert to Islam for Marriage?

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Converting to Islam is a major decision. If you want to convert purely with the intention of marrying a Muslim, the conversion isn’t valid. 

To consider yourself a convert, you must accept the religion by heart. That means you should firmly believe in Allah, pray regularly, recite the Holy Quran, and follow the teachings of Islam.

Here’s how you can convert to Islam:

1. Learn about Islam

The first step to conversion is learning about Islam. As a non-Muslim studying the religion, you might come across statements that conflict with your current beliefs. If you are determined to accept Islam you will need to have patience to accept those statements. 

You should pay a visit to the local mosque and speak to the Imam (the person who leads prayers). You can ask him anything regarding Islam to increase your knowledge. Since the mosque is a sacred place for Muslims, you will be expected to wear clothes covering most of your body. 

Learn about Islam

Besides speaking to the Imam, you can join a Muslim community. And after conversion, it is highly recommended you read the Holy Quran translated into your language. By reading the Quran, you’ll be able to learn a lot about Islam and how to live life as a Muslim. 

Touching the Holy Quran is prohibited for non-Muslims because it is considered impure. You will need to convert to Islam and perform wudu (ablution) before touching the Quran. Muslims are also not permitted to touch the Quran until they perform wudu. 

In the case of Tafseer, the ruling is different. If there are more words in the Quran than Tafseer, then wudu is recommended for touching the Tafseer. And if there are fewer words in the Quran than Tafseer, then it is permissible to touch it without wudu. 

Since you’re not allowed to read the physical Quran, you can listen to Quran recitations online or on TV. Once you convert, it is recommended you learn to read Arabic as the Quran is written in that language. 

2. Recite the Shahada

The next step is to recite the Shahada (Testimony of Faith), which is the first of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is a declaration of the belief in one God (Allah) and His Messenger (Muhammad (PBUH)).

Recite the Shahada

Here’s what you need to say:

“Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah.”


“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

Some people claim that it is necessary to take Shahada before three adult witnesses, including the Imam. But since this is a matter between you and Allah, it is not essential to testify before witnesses. 

Additionally, your country might require you to obtain a certificate of conversion before marrying a Muslim. You can ask the Imam for it right after reciting the Shahada. 

New Muslims also wonder if they are required to change their names. Changing the name isn’t obligatory in Islam unless the name has a bad meaning or it refers to servitude to a creature or something else other than Allah. A few examples of names that should be changed are- Joseph, Christopher, Diana, Jaclyn, and so on. 

These names conflict with the teachings of Islam, so it is better to avoid using them. You should also avoid using names of people having negative influences, such as Lenin and Marx. 

3. Perform Ghusl

After reciting the Shahada, you’ll need to take a bath (ghusl) to begin your Muslim life. Performing ghusl purifies your body and gives you the chance of getting your prayers accepted by Allah.

Perform Ghusl

You’ll need to perform ghusl in the following order:

1. Have the intention of purifying yourself.

2. Say “Bismillah” and wash your right hand 3 times (including between the fingers).

3. Wash your left hand 3 times (including between the fingers).

4. Wash the genitals 3 times.

5. Wash your hair (to the roots), face, and neck 3 times.

6. Wash the right side of the body. 

7. Wash the left side of the body. 

Make sure you use clean water to perform the ghusl. Also, make sure that the water reaches all parts of the body. 

4. Visit a Pre-Marital Counselor

After your conversion, it is recommended to visit a pre-marital counselor to discuss the relationship between you and your future spouse. Doing so will help you begin your married life the right way. 

If you’re unsure of where to find a religious counselor, you can ask the Imam. 

5. Embrace the Islamic Life

Now that you are a Muslim, you’ll have to be committed to Islamic life. If you turn back, it will be considered a major sin. You can embrace the new life by always remembering Allah, reciting the Quran, interacting with fellow believers, learning more about Islam, and so on. 

Embrace the Islamic Life

But first and foremost, you’ll be expected to practice the 5 pillars of Islam:

1. Shahada (Testimony of Faith): Shahada is performed upon becoming a Muslim. 

2. Salah (Prayer): Muslims are expected to pray 5 times a day- Fazr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. 

3. Sawm (Fasting): Muslims are required to abstain from food and drink during the holy month of Ramadan. 

4. Zakat (Alms): Muslims are expected to donate a part of their income to poor and needy people. 

5: Hajj (Pilgrimage): Muslims are expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. 

Do I have to be Muslim to Marry a Muslim?

It depends on your gender. Muslim men are allowed to marry a non-Muslim woman as long as she is from the People of the Book (Christians, Jews, Sabians, and Zoroastrians). The non-Muslim woman can either convert or stay in her faith after marriage. 

A Muslim woman, however, isn’t permitted to marry a non-Muslim man. In this case, the man will need to become a Muslim first. 


Is it Okay to Convert to Islam for Love?

Converting to Islam for love is okay as long as you are dedicated to your faith. If you don’t take the religion by heart and convert only for the sake of love, then the conversion isn’t valid.

Can Christians and Muslims Get Married?

Although u003ca href=u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eIslam doesn’t encourage interfaith marriagesu003c/au003e, it is not forbidden. A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian woman since both religions believe in only one God. u003cbru003eu003cbru003eOn the other hand, a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man unless he converts. That’s because men are typically considered the head of a household so they might prevent their Muslim wives from performing Islamic rituals, such as fasting. u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIn other words, a Muslim woman will find it difficult to follow her faith, and Islam does not accept that.

What are the Rules for Islamic Marriage?

Islamic marriage is carried out by following a set of rules mentioned below:u003cbru003eu003cbru003e1. A man and a woman must fully express their consent for marriage in the presence of witnesses. There has to be a minimum of two adult male witnesses. The consent of the woman’s male guardian (usually her father) is also required for the validity of the marriage.u003cbru003eu003cbru003e2. During nikah (contract between two people), the groom and the bride’s guardian must be present. The bride’s presence is optional. u003cbru003eu003cbru003e3. The man must offer a mandatory sum of wealth called “mehr” or dowry to the bride at the time of marriage. u003cbru003eu003cbru003e4. The marriage should not be kept secret but be publicized.u003cbru003eu003cbru003e5. The couple must obtain a legal marriage license and anything else required by the country’s law.

Final Thoughts

So, do you have to convert to marry a Muslim? It depends on whether you’re ready to accept Islam first. Converting to Islam for marriage can bring you inner peace and a sense of security. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that Allah will love you and forgive all your sins if you obey Him and accept the Islamic teachings.

Talha Ubaidullah
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