Dua To Stop Fight Between Husband And Wife

The relationship between husband and wife is one of the most delicate relationships in Islam. Still, conflicts & fights may arise between them. In such situations, they must seek Allah’s help and guidance by reciting dua to resolve the matter peacefully and with love.

The dua for resolving a conflict between husband and wife is an effective way of restoring harmony and love to the marriage. It’s been proven that they work wonders for countless couples, providing them with a renewed sense of love and understanding.

Throughout this article, we will discuss the duas and steps to stop fights between husband and wife. May this article benefit all of us, and may Allah guide us to what is best for us.

Dua to Stop Fight Between Husband and Wife

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When you find yourself in constant arguments and disagreements with your spouse, you can bring peace and harmony to your marriage with the help of a powerful dua. By reciting the following dua, you can ask for Allah’s guidance and assistance in improving your communication skills:

قُلْ كُلٌّۭ مُّتَرَبِّصٌۭ فَتَرَبَّصُوا۟ ۖ فَسَتَعْلَمُونَ مَنْ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلصِّرَٰطِ ٱلسَّوِىِّ وَمَنِ ٱهْتَدَىٰ

“Qul kullum mutarabbisun fa tarabbasoo fa sa ta’lamoona man Ashaabus Siraatis Sawiyyi wa manih tadaa.”

Translation: Say ˹to them, O Prophet˺, “Each ˹of us˺ is waiting, so keep waiting! You will soon know who is on the Straight Path and is ˹rightly˺ guided.”

This dua is directly taken from the Quran, Surah Taha, Ayat: 135. It should be recited regularly by the husband or wife after each of the five prayers. After a few days, you’ll see the arguments resolve and get back to living a happy life.

How To Stop Fight Between Husband and Wife?

If you constantly argue and fight with your spouse, take the following proactive measures to break the cycle.

Dua To Stop Fight Between Husband And Wife

Step 1: Cultivate Taqwa – Fear Allah

To cultivate Taqwa and stop fights with your spouse, you must prioritize your relationship with Allah and seek His guidance in all aspects of your marriage.

When you fear Allah and strive to please Him, you become more conscious of your actions and their impact on your spouse. This mindfulness helps you control your anger and respond with kindness and patience, even in an argument.

Step 2: Control Anger and Avoid Simultaneous Anger

Control Anger and Avoid Simultaneous Anger

Controlling anger helps resolve conflicts between husbands and wives, allowing for calm and productive discussions. Recognizing that anger is often the root cause of marital disputes, both partners must strive to tame their emotions.

For this reason, Abu Darda said to his wife Umm Darda, may Allah be pleased with both of them: “If you see me angry, calm me down, and if I see you angry, I will calm you down. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to live together.” [Rawḍat al-‘Uqalā’ 41]

Instead of reacting impulsively, practicing patience and restraint can help diffuse tense situations. Islam encourages couples to avoid simultaneous anger, where both spouses are upset at the same time, as it tends to escalate the conflict further.

Step 3: Let the Other Win Arguments

Ego and pride can hinder the resolution of conflicts, creating a divide between you and your spouse. Islam encourages humility and the willingness to let go of the need to be right.

‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

مَنْ صَمَتَ نَجَا

“Whoever is silent, he is saved.” [Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2501]

By doing so, you’re fostering an atmosphere of understanding and compromise within your marriage. As a result of this selfless act, you and your spouse can find common ground and resolve conflicts more peacefully and harmoniously.

Step 4: Communicate with Respect and Openness

Communicate with Respect and Openness

To cultivate a harmonious and loving relationship, couples must engage in respectful and open communication. Effective communication serves as the foundation for a healthy marriage.

By engaging in calm, honest, and tactful discussions, couples can create an atmosphere of understanding and empathy. Actively listen to your partner and respect their perspectives, even if you disagree. Truly hearing each other’s thoughts and feelings allows for a deeper understanding of the underlying issues.

Step 5: Prioritize the Marriage Partner

Neglect can be a breeding ground for dissatisfaction and discord in a marriage. This is why Islamic teachings discourage spouses from neglecting each other and emphasize acknowledging the partner’s rights.

Prioritizing your marriage partner involves more than just saying the words; it requires active engagement, appreciation, and the willingness to invest time and effort.

Show your spouse they’re important to you by listening attentively, showing interest in their thoughts and feelings, and making time for quality moments together.

Step 6: Settle Disputes Before Sleeping

Settle Disputes Before Sleeping

Resolving conflicts before bedtime is a practice endorsed by Islamic teachings, as exemplified by Abu Bakr’s (RAA) actions. Allowing disagreements to linger can lead to resentment and unresolved issues, eroding a marriage’s foundation.

By addressing conflicts promptly and seeking resolution before sleeping, couples create a space for emotional healing and maintain the sacredness of their relationship. This practice fosters understanding, forgiveness, and empathy, strengthening the bond between husband and wife.

Enhance Your Relationship: Utilize the Power of Dua to Resolve Conflicts

Don’t let the arguments ruin your relationship, take control and make a change. Trust in the spiritual strength of dua and watch as the tensions dissolve, leaving behind a loving and understanding bond between you and your partner.

Making dua to stop fights between husbands and wives is a powerful tool that can help strengthen the bond between couples. Cultivate Taqwa, tame anger, and let the other win arguments. May Allah guide us to live a peaceful and prosperous married life, Ameen.

Talha Ubaidullah
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