Zina In Islam After Marriage | Effects, Punishment and How To Repent

After marriage, Zina refers to extramarital intercourse, which is considered one of the biggest sins in Islam. It is regarded as a violation of the marital bond and a disruption of the moral fabric of society.

Aside from that, the punishment for extramarital Zina is severe, which is stoning to death. When an extramarital Zina is exposed, it carries significant spiritual consequences. This type of Zina can impact the family structure and have social implications. 

Today, we will discuss the detrimental effects of Zina after marriage, its punishment, and the steps required to repent from it. So, keep reading.

Adverse Effects of Zina in Islam After Marriage

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The negative effects of extramarital Zina are complex, and several factors are involved.

Zina In Islam After Marriage

1. Spiritual Consequences

Engaging in extramarital zina has detrimental spiritual consequences. When a married person commits adultery, it not only violates the sanctity of the marriage but also disrupts the spiritual connection between spouses.

As a result, the trust and intimacy between partners are compromised, causing a rift in the marital relationship. As a result of this weakened bond, both individuals may feel guilty, ashamed, or resentful, further damaging their spiritual well-being.

2. Impact on Family Structure

Impact on Family Structure

When Zina is committed within the marriage and gets revealed, it leads to a breakdown of trust. It can cause irreparable damage to the relationship between spouses. This betrayal can create a toxic environment within the household, affecting the couple and their children.

The stability of the family is compromised, and the children may suffer from emotional trauma and a sense of insecurity. Additionally, the act of extramarital zina can lead to the erosion of the family’s reputation and standing within the community.

3. Social Implications

Engaging in extramarital relationships not only undermines the sanctity of marriage but also goes against the moral values upheld by Islamic teachings when exposed.

As a result, individuals involved in Zina may face social ostracization and a diminished status within the community. This can lead to isolation and hardship, as individuals may find themselves excluded from social gatherings and events, and their reputations may be tarnished.

4. Financial Impact

Financial Impact

When engaging in extramarital relationships after marriage (but not revealed), the corrupted person may experience a significant financial impact due to illicit activities. These activities can drain your finances and contribute to financial losses for you and your family, stealing the Barakah (blessings) from one’s earnings.

Punishment for Zina in Islam After Marriage

The punishment for extramarital sexual relationship offenses varies depending on the circumstances and evidence. In cases where four reliable witnesses observed the act of penetration, the punishment prescribed by Islamic law is stoning to death.

‘Ubadah bin As-Samit (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Receive from me (this revelation), receive from me (this revelation). Allah has ordained a way for those women (unmarried females who committed adultery). When an unmarried man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, they should receive one hundred lashes and be exiled for a year. If they (fornicate while they) were married, they shall receive hundred lashes and be stoned to death. Reported by Muslim. [Sahih Muslim – 1690, Related to Sahih al-Bukhari 7332]

However, note that the requirements for such a punishment are extremely strict and should be handled by the local government.

How to Repent of Extramarital Zina in Islam?

To acknowledge the sin of extramarital Zina in Islam (when not revealed or proofed), there are four key steps that you should follow.

How to Repent of Extramarital Zina in Islam?

Step 1: Acknowledge and Sincerely Repent

Islam emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action upon realizing the wrongdoing. Abandon the sin completely by ceasing all communication and contact with the person involved in the extramarital relationship. This means cutting off all ties and avoiding situations that may lead to temptation.

True repentance also requires firm determination never to repeat the sin and to commit to leading a life according to Islamic principles. Remember, repentance shouldn’t be delayed, as immediate action demonstrates true repentance and a sincere desire to seek forgiveness from Allah.

Step 2: Turn to Allah in Prayer and Dua

To fully repent for the transgression of extramarital Zina, you must turn to Allah in prayer and dua. During these prayers, making specific dua such as Sayyidul Istighfar for forgiveness is crucial, sincerely asking Allah to pardon you for the sinful act.

You can use your words or turn to traditional supplications that seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

Step 3: Address Family and Seek Forgiveness

You should confide with your spouse (if he or she knows your crime), if applicable, as open communication is vital for rebuilding trust and seeking support.

Sharing the truth about your actions demonstrates sincerity and a genuine desire for change. Expressing sincere regret is essential, emphasizing your remorse and commitment to seeking forgiveness from Allah.

Step 4: Embrace Positive Changes and Continuous Repentance

To truly repent for the sin of extramarital Zina, you must regularly and actively engage in positive changes that strengthen your faith. Repentance isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous process that requires ongoing effort and commitment.

Embracing positive changes means actively seeking ways to improve your relationship with Allah and distance yourself from sinful behavior.

This can be done through increased worship, such as performing extra prayers and reciting the Quran regularly. Engaging in charitable deeds and seeking beneficial knowledge are also essential in this journey.

Importance of Purity in Marriages: Avoiding Zina and Seeking Repentance

As Muslims, it is our moral and religious responsibility to lead a pure and chaste life, especially after marriage. Engaging in extramarital relations, known as zina, in Islam after marriage can have adverse effects on both the individuals involved and the sanctity of the marital bond.

Islam prescribes punishment for this act, as it goes against the teachings and principles of the religion. However, Islam also emphasizes the importance of repentance and seeking forgiveness, providing a path for individuals to reconcile with their actions and strive for a better future.

Continuous self-improvement and repentance can help one avoid such sins in the future. Let us always try to choose the right path and lead a life full of righteousness.

Omar Abdullah

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