Why Can’t Muslims Give Hugs? Islam Has Precise Ruling

Hugging between man and man is a common greeting practice among Muslims. But Muslims can’t hug a gayre mahram (People of the opposite sex who are permitted to be getting married). 

But why can’t Muslims give hugs to gayre mahram? Because it is precisely commanded by Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala and His Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). 

Here, we will try to learn the reason why a Muslim can’t hug a gayre mahram according to the holy Qur’an and Hadith. 

Is Hugging Haram? Why Can’t Muslim Women Give Hugs?

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Hugging the opposite gender actually depends on the context. Here, the context is about whether a Muslim hugs a gayre mahram. So, can Muslim women not hug men?

Why Can't Muslims Give Hugs?

In terms of Islamic rules, a Muslim woman or a man can’t hug her/his gayre mahram. According to the interpretation of IslamQA.info, hugging a gayre mahram is haram. Because it leads men and women close to Zina (adultery). 

Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala says in the Qur’an that-

وَ لَا تَقۡرَبُوا الزِّنٰۤی اِنَّهٗ کَانَ فَاحِشَۃً ؕ وَ سَآءَ سَبِیۡلًا

“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.”  [Surah Isra, 17:32]

Imam Ibn Kathir (may Allah bless him) interpreted the verse that Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala forbids Zina and related activities that lead us to Zina. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Sura Al Isra]

So, you may ask, is hugging Zina? You will find this answer in the following Hadith of Muhammadur Rasulullah (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa-Sallam)-

“A part of fornication was written upon the descendant of Adam that he must indulge in. Adultery of the eyes is sight, adultery of the two ears is hearing, adultery of the mouth is speaking, adultery of the hands is touching, and adultery of the feet is walking. And the heart begins to hope and desire. Sex organs either fulfill it or falsify it.” [Sahih Muslim, 2657]

So, is it haram to hug before marriage? Even touching a gayre mahram is considered Zina. So, yes, hugging a non-mahram man by a woman is haram, and vice versa for men. 

As a human being with normal common sense, do you think when a woman hugs a gayre mahram man, her breasts won’t touch the body of the man? If so, won’t this create the desire for adultery?

Is It Haram to Have Guy Friends in Islam?

Yes, having a guy friend in Islam is haram. Mufti Ebrahim Desai said that there is no basis or idea of having a boyfriend and girlfriend in Islam. He said- It is a major sin and asked the person to cut the relationship and repent of it to Allah. [References: IslamQA.org]

Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala says in the Qur’an to women to whom they can show their normal beauty. 

“Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is [fully] Aware of what they do.

And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. Women should not display their beauty (body-fitting ornaments or attractive clothing). However, there is no harm in revealing what is revealed naturally (burqa, chadar, socks, etc.). They should cover their neck, throat and chest (including face) with a veil……” [Surah An-Noor, 24:30-31]

Imam Ibn Kathir (May Allah bless him) explained verse 30 from Sahih Hadith that- 

On the authority of Hazrat Jarir Ibn Abdillah Bajali (R.A.), he said, “When I asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) about the sudden sight of unwanted things, he said: “Remove the vision immediately.” The purpose of this verse is not to look at things forbidden by Allah.

It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Buraidah (R.A.) that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said to Hazrat Ali (R.A): “O Ali (R.A.)! Do not look at the forbidden things again after once. The sudden sight is forgiving for you, but the next sight is not eligible.” 

In verse 31, he said again that- 

It is ordered that Muslim women should also keep their eyes downwards. Do not look lustfully at anyone other than your husband. Do not look at strangers, lustfully or otherwise.

Allah commanded Mumin men and women to keep their sight downward from gayre mahram and other haram things. Then, thinking about making a guy friend for a woman is not even legitimate.

Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala also says in the holy Qur’an that-

“…They(women) should not reveal their beauty to anyone except husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess [i.e., slaves], or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. 

And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment.” [Surah An-Noor, 24:31]

From these, we see Muslim women can’t make any guy friends. 

Can a Muslim Woman or Man Greet Their Gayre Mahram By Shaking Hands?

Can a Muslim Woman or Man Greet Their Gayre Mahram By Shaking Hands?

No, and the reasons are the same as we have described throughout the write-up with references. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said- 

“It is better for a man to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle than for him to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” [As-Silsilatus Sahiha, Albani: 226]

Just think, as a Mumin and Munima, how dangerous it is to touch a gayre mahram! It is obvious that when a man or woman touches a gayre mahram, fitnah(temptation, the unlawful desire for sex) will be created. 

So, as a man/woman of faith along with a strong personality, it is always desired to keep yourself from touching any gayre mahram. 

Final Thoughts

We hope you got your answer to the question, “Why can’t Muslims give hugs to gayre mahram?” Since doing it is haram with gayre mahram, we should refrain ourselves from it as Mumins. 

May Allah have mercy on us, and forgive our unwilling sins. All praises be to Allah, and Allah knows the best.

Talha Ubaidullah
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