What Is Forbidden in Islamic Marriage: Complete List

In Islamic tradition, marriage is a holy bond that unites individuals in love, commitment, and mutual support. And certain things are forbidden in Islam when it comes to marriage. You must know these restrictions to have a successful and fulfilling marital relationship.

One of these is irregularities in showing the bride, which can lead to inappropriate behavior and violation of modesty. Another is cultural misuse in the henna (mehendi) ceremony, often used for entertainment rather than religious reasons.

Also, bathing the groom by non-mahram relatives is not permissible due to the boundaries between men and women. Avoid extravagant processions and displays that waste resources and promote unnecessary showmanship.

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The following article will present a complete list of what is forbidden in Islamic marriage. Let’s start with the comprehensive list of forbidden practices in Islamic marriage and gain a deeper insight into Muslim matrimonial principles.

What Is Forbidden in Islam During Marriage?

Whether you’re a Muslim man or woman, you should know about Islamic marriage requirements. During Islamic marriage, there are certain forbidden practices that you must avoid. They are as follows:

  • Irregularities in showing the bride
  • Cultural Misuse in Henna (Mehendi) Ceremony
  • Bathing the groom by non-mahram relatives
  • Extravagant processions and displays
  • Placing an undue emphasis on gold jewelry
  • Dowry and excessive demands
  • Specific date superstitions
  • Participating in haram entertainment
  • Appointing a guardian (Wakil) As a father
  • Wasting food and overindulgence
  • Hindu cultural influences
  • Taking photographs
  • Seeking forgiveness from the bride

For each of these forbidden criteria, here is a detailed explanation of what is forbidden in Islam marriage according to the Quran, Sunnah, and/or Islamic Rules.

No 01: Irregularities in Showing the Bride

Although it goes against Islamic principles, it is common in our society to show the bride before marriage. Based on Islamic Shariah, this practice is not permissible.

The rules of Islam state that only the person getting married and his immediate family members. For example, his mother, sister, children, and female relatives can see the bride before the wedding ceremony. This restriction is in place to maintain modesty and protect the sanctity of marriage.

No 02: Cultural Misuse in Henna (Mehendi) Ceremony

What Is Forbidden in Islamic Marriage, Cultural Misuse in Henna (Mehendi) Ceremony

You must be aware that the cultural practices observed during the Mehendi ceremony often diverge from the principles of Islamic Shariah.

While there are no specific rules regarding the Mehendi ceremony in Islam, arranging one can involve many forbidden practices. One of these practices includes mingling non-mahram men and women, which is considered haram.

Music playing, photography, and videography during the Mehendi ceremony are also prohibited in Islam. The misuse of culture contradicts Islamic teachings and violates the modesty and privacy required by the laws of marriage in Islam.

No 03: Bathing the Groom by Non-mahram Relatives

It is not permissible in Islam for non-mahram relatives to bathe the groom before the wedding. This practice, prevalent in rural areas, goes against the teachings of Islam and is considered sinful.

In Surah An-Nur – 24:31, Allah says,

"And must not expose their adornment, except that which appears thereof, and must wrap their bosoms with their shawls, and must not expose their adornment except to their husbands."

In Islam, there are clear guidelines regarding interactions between non-mahram individuals. Private interactions, conversations, and physical contact with one’s sister-in-law or any other non-mahram relative are strictly prohibited.

The concept of mahram refers to those individuals who are permanently forbidden from union due to blood relations or marriage ties. You must adhere to these guidelines and avoid engaging in activities against Islamic principles.

No 04: Extravagant Processions and Displays

Avoiding extravagant processions and displays at weddings is encouraged in Islam, as simplicity and modesty are considered more virtuous. As per Muslim marriage beliefs, it’s more about spirituality than materialistic displays.

Extravagant celebrations often lead to unnecessary financial burdens and can divert attention away from the true purpose of marriage. Islam encourages people not to take loans or spend beyond their means to arrange their weddings.

No 05: Placing an Undue Emphasis on Gold Jewelry

Placing an Undue Emphasis on Gold Jewelry

Allah Says in Quran,

“Do they then like for Allah a creature who is brought up in adornments (wearing gold and silk ornaments, i.e., women) and in dispute cannot make herself clear.” (Az-Zukhruf: 18)

At weddings, there is a prevalent practice of excessively emphasizing gold jewelry, particularly for the groom. It is often believed that his dignity and honor are compromised if the groom doesn’t wear a gold ring. But, you must note that the use of gold for men is considered forbidden (haram) in Islam.

“The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) brought some silk in his right hand and some gold in his left hand and then he said, ‘These two are haram for the males among my followers.’” (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa’i, Ibn Hayyan, and Ibn Majah)

Due to the Prophet’s declaration, men may not wear gold jewelry, clothing embroidered with gold, or other adornments made of gold in Islam.

No 06: Dowry and Excessive Demands

Dowry and Excessive Demands

You should know that excessive dowry is against Islamic principles and can burden the bride’s family with an undue financial burden.

In Islam, there is no concept of demanding dowry. The practice of demanding large sums of money or extravagant gifts as a condition for marriage is forbidden and highly discouraged. The Quran emphasizes the importance of treating women with respect and dignity, including not exploiting them financially.

To abide by Muslim marriage rules, the groom’s family must offer Mohor to the bride, but the groom must be able to afford it.

No 07: Specific Date Superstitions

Believing in auspicious or inauspicious dates contradicts Islamic beliefs and principles. The faith emphasizes the importance of relying solely on Allah’s guidance and blessings when entering into a marital union.

By disregarding superstitious beliefs regarding specific dates, Muslims can build a strong foundation for their marriages instead of focusing on them. This rejection of specific date superstitions is integral to practicing Islam in its purest form.

No 08: Participating in Haram Entertainment

‘Abd-Allah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“No woman should look at another woman then describe her to her husband so that it is as if he can see her.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4839)

As a result of the fitnah caused by the body’s movements, dancing and singing inappropriate songs are considered haram during marriage celebrations. In Islam, marriage is a sacred and blessed union celebrated with modesty and adherence to Islamic values.

Participating in haram entertainment goes against these principles and can lead to sinful behavior and indulgence in forbidden actions. Islam encourages individuals to seek lawful forms of entertainment that promote good character, enhance spirituality, and uphold moral standards.

No 09: Appointing a Guardian (Wakil) As Father

Appointing a guardian as a father, even if the biological father is alive, is against Islamic principles. This practice ensures that the girl’s rights and well-being are protected by someone who has a natural bond and responsibility towards her.

The role of a wakil as the girl’s guardian is crucial in making decisions regarding her upbringing, education, and marriage.

No 10: Wasting Food and Overindulgence

Wasting Food and Overindulgence

As we move on to the next forbidden practice in Islam marriage, let’s talk about wasting food and overindulging. This prohibition stems from the Islamic principle of moderation and responsible resource management.

Allah declares,

"Surely, extravagant wastage is the work of Satan; and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord." (Surah Al-Isra:27)

As mentioned in the Quran, wastefulness is deemed a behavior akin to the devil and is strongly discouraged. Allah reminds us that excessive indulgence and squandering food contradict His teachings. Islam emphasizes gratitude for blessings and encourages believers to be mindful of their consumption habits.

No 11: Hindu Cultural Influences

Incorporating Hindu customs into Muslim weddings, such as applying vermilion or using certain items like bamboo sticks, sandalwood paste, turmeric, and bananas, contradicts Islamic teachings.

Muslims should adhere to Islamic practices and avoid adopting elements from other cultures.

No 12: Taking Photographs

Taking Photographs

You should consider refraining from taking photographs and videos during wedding ceremonies. It goes against Islam’s principles and disrupts the occasion’s sanctity.

In Islamic teachings, photography is discouraged due to its potential for idolatry and distraction from worshiping Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

“Every image-maker will be in Hell, as reported in Sahih Muslim (Sahih Muslim: 5620).”

No 13: Seeking Forgiveness from the Bride

Islam places great importance on gender equality and marital rights. It emphasizes mutual respect, fairness, and justice within a marital relationship.

Seeking forgiveness from the bride by not providing her with the ‘Mohor’ is a harmful practice that goes against these principles. The ‘Mohor’ serves as a financial security for the wife and symbolizes her value and dignity in Islam.

Getting to the Bottom of Forbidden Marriages in Islam

By upholding what is forbidden in Islam marriage ceremonies, Muslims protect the sanctity of the marriage bond and preserve the values that underlie it. It is vital to remember that these prohibitions are not arbitrary but are firmly grounded in Islamic law and teachings.

These guidelines are designed to ensure a harmonious and fulfilling union while upholding the principles of decency and morality. Couples can cultivate a relationship steeped in respect, love, and righteousness by adhering to these forbidden practices.

A fulfilling and enriched Muslim life depends on understanding the rules and principles of Islamic marriage.



1. https://alquranclasses.com/can-men-wear-gold-in-islam/

2. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9290/is-singing-and-dancing-haram

3. https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/gold-and-pure-silk-are-forbidden-for-men-why/

Talha Ubaidullah
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