Should I Marry Against My Parents? What Islam Says?

The parents’ role in marriage holds significant importance in Islam, as they are the guardians of their young ones’ well-being. But sometimes you may find yourself at odds with your parents regarding your choice of a life partner. In such circumstances, you may wonder, “Should I marry against my parents‘ wishes?” 

Based on the Islamic Sharia, if you are a Muslim woman, you cannot marry without the consent of your Wali (guardian). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clarified that a woman’s guardian’s permission is necessary for the validity of the nikah.

However, if you are a Muslim man, you are not obligated to seek your parent’s permission for marriage, but seeking their blessings and approval is highly recommended. We will discuss in detail what Islam says about marriage against the wishes of the parents.

Should I Marry Against My Parents: Islamic Perspectives

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In Islam, there are specific fatwas for both men and women regarding marriage without parental consent.

  • Fatwa for women on marrying against parents
  • Fatwa for man on marrying against parents

1. Fatwa for Women on Marrying Against Parents

Should I Marry Against My Parents - Fatwa For Women

The Islamic Sharia strictly prohibits a woman from marrying without the consent of her guardian, usually her father or another suitable male relative. It is clear from several Hadiths that the consent of a guardian is necessary for a marriage to be valid.

One Hadith found in Jami at-Tirmidhi 1102, where Aisha (R.A.) narrates that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explicitly stated:

“Whichever woman married without the permission of her Wali her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid. If he entered into her, then the Mahr is for her in lieu of what he enjoyed from her private part. If they disagree, then the Sultan is the Wali for one who has no Wali.”

The majority of Muslim scholars, including Maalik, Ash-Shafi’i, and Ahmad, unanimously agree that a marriage conducted without the guardian’s consent is invalid. A woman’s guardian plays an important role in her marriage; her silence is taken as consent.

There is a Hadith narrated by Adi bin Adi Al-Kindi in which the Prophet (S) states: “A previously-married woman can speak for herself, and the consent of a virgin is her silence.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1872). This signifies that a virgin’s silence during the marriage proposal is a form of agreement.

However, there may be situations where a woman faces challenges in obtaining her guardian’s consent, and her well-being is at risk. The woman can try to engage in open and respectful communication with her guardian to understand the reasons behind the refusal and to express her own wishes.

If a woman’s guardian persistently denies marriage without valid grounds, Islamic principles permit transferring guardianship to a more suitable guardian. For example, if her father consistently refuses a proposal without legitimate reasons, hindering her from lawful marriage, she may seek intervention from an Islamic court or authority.

Upon careful examination of the circumstances, the Islamic court may transfer the guardianship to a more just and reasonable individual within the family, such as an uncle or grandfather. This transfer aims to uphold the woman’s right to marry, considering the principles of justice and protection from undue harm.

2. Fatwa for Man on Marrying Against Parents

Fatwa for Man on Marrying Against Parents

In Islam, it is not prohibited for a man to marry without the consent of his parents. However, it is highly advised to maintain family harmony and to honor one’s parents by seeking their approval.

The hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated, “The Lord’s pleasure is in the parent’s pleasure, and the Lord’s anger is in the parent’s anger.”(Hasan) (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1899). Maintaining family ties and avoiding disputes are essential in light of this hadith.

However, if a man faces genuine obstacles to obtaining parental consent, Islam provides flexibility in choosing a suitable Muslim partner. It is crucial to assess the reasons for parental objections and address any valid concerns to seek their approval.

If parental objections are grounded in Islamic principles, men should sincerely resolve their concerns and gain their approval. The Quran instructs Muslims to respect and obey their parents, and disobeying them without valid reasons is considered sinful.

Despite the flexibility provided in Islam, men must prioritize maintaining family relationships and seek actions that align with Islamic principles. Marrying against parental wishes should not be taken lightly, and every effort should be made to avoid causing harm or discord within the family.

Nurturing Family Ties: Balance Personal Desires with Islamic Principles

The answer to your question, “Should I marry against my parents?” is basically that Sharia forbids women from marrying without their guardians’ permission.

The hadiths, especially the explicit statement of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), underline the importance of this consent for the marriage’s validity.

On the other hand, while Islam allows flexibility for men to marry without parental consent, it strongly advocates seeking approval to maintain family harmony. Allah’s pleasure is intertwined with parents’ happiness.

Thus, even navigating potential objections, strive to align actions with Islamic principles, respecting and prioritizing family bonds.

Omar Abdullah

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