I Don’t Trust My Husband: Signs and What To Do

Trust is the backbone of every successful marriage. Without it, a marriage will go through several problems, misunderstandings, and this can sometimes lead to divorce. 

If you feel you no longer trust your husband, you need to understand the signs and look for steps to overcome your distrust of your husband. This is why we have prepared this guide. 

This article examines the signs of distrust, the implications of these feelings, and practical ways to rebuild trust and save your marriage.

The Importance of Trust

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In every relationship – friendship, marriages, family, etc, there has to be trust. In marriages, most importantly, trust sets a bond of being safe, respected, and valued. 

I Don't Trust My Husband

When trust is present, couples can go through life’s challenges together, share their weaknesses, and build a life together knowing that they got each other’s backs. Sometimes, situations may arise that cause doubt but you can always rebuild trust.

Islamic Perspective on Trust

Islam places a high value on mutual trust and loyalty between husband and wife. The Quran emphasises this in so many instances. 

For example, in Surah Ar-Rum (30:21), Allah states:

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts…” 

This verse shows just how important companionship and even trust are when it comes to a marriage. They are the foundation of successful marriages and happy homes

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also highlighted the importance of treating one’s spouse with kindness and respect, stating:

“The best of you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.” (Tirmidhi) 

With this in mind, it is encouraged that if you find yourself losing trust in your husband, you should try to take a few steps back to understand why there’s distrust in the first place and how to fix it instead of looking towards ending the marriage.

Signs You Don’t Trust Your Husband

There are a few signs you will notice when you start losing trust in your husband. Some of these signs are:

Signs You Don't Trust Your Husband

Constant suspicion

You might often question your husband’s actions, reasons, or location, which points to a lack of trust. This doubt can show up in different ways, like wondering about his company, destinations, or reasons for being late. When you start noticing constant suspicion, it’s a sign that you are losing trust in your husband.

Difficulty communicating

When trust breaks down, it gets hard to talk. You might hold back your thoughts or feelings worried that your husband won’t get it or will react. This can lead to more misunderstandings and bad feelings.

Lack of intimacy

Trust and intimacy go hand in hand. If you see a drop in physical or emotional closeness, it might mean trust has taken a hit. You could feel far away or cut off from your husband, which can make you feel alone.

Checking up on him

This is one of the basic signs of distrust. If you often look through your husband’s phone, social media, or emails, searching for something to hold against him, it shows you don’t trust him. This behaviour can come from feeling unsure and needing proof of his loyalty and honesty.

Feeling insecure

When trust is gone, you might start to feel unsure. You could worry about whether your husband is loyal or feel like you’re not good enough in the relationship. When these thoughts start to come in, your marriage will keep going from one misunderstanding to the other.

Emotional withdrawal

If you notice yourself emotionally withdrawing from your husband, it may be a protective mechanism against potential hurt. This withdrawal can create a barrier to intimacy and communication, exacerbating the trust issues.

What To Do If You Don’t Trust Your Husband

If you recognize these signs in your relationship, you need to take deliberate steps  to address the underlying issues or your marriage may be ending into a situation you may not like. 

What To Do If You Don't Trust Your Husband

Some steps to take are:

1. Reflect on your feelings

If you are sure that you no longer trust your husband, you need to take time to reflect on your feelings and ask yourself a few questions like: 

  • What specific actions or behaviours have led to my distrust?
  • Are there past experiences, either in this relationship or previous ones, that may be influencing my feelings?
  • Is my distrust based on facts or assumptions? 

Many people will want to have a talk with their husbands first, but you need to understand the root cause of your feelings first. This will help you communicate with your husband more effectively and get better results.

2. Communicate openly and honestly

Once you have reflected on your feelings, begin a conversation with your husband. No matter how difficult it may be, you need to start this conversation. To make it easier, choose a calm and private setting where you will be very comfortable to speak. 

When you begin the conversation, it is more natural to lay accusations and blame, but you need to avoid that. Frame your feelings using “I” statements to express how his actions affect you without sounding accusatory. For example, say, “I feel insecure when I don’t know where you are,” instead of “You never tell me where you are.” 

You can see how the second instance may cause a fight. You also need to be very specific during the conversation. Remind him of the behaviours or incidents that have led to your feelings of distrust. This specificity will  help your husband understand your perspective better. 

Next, you need to pay attention to every word he says. He will also share his thoughts and feelings. Listen without interrupting, and try to understand his perspective.

3. Set boundaries

If your husband has engaged in behaviours that have broken your trust, you need to explain to him how it made you feel and set clear boundaries. Make sure you tell him just how his actions have affected you and what he can do to regain your trust. 

You can talk to him about: 

  • Increased transparency about his whereabouts and activities.
  • Open access to communication devices, if both parties agree.
  • Commitment to honesty and accountability in all aspects of the relationship.

4. Rebuild trust gradually

Getting trust back after it’s been broken is a gradual process. During this time you and your partner need to put in the effort. Your husband needs to show just how trustworthy he is through consistent, honest behaviour and you need to have an open mind to acknowledge his efforts also. Don’t leave all the work to him. 

Spend quality time together to strengthen your emotional connection. Think about activities you both enjoy and create new memories together. During this period, it’s important to show affection and support for each other at all times. Small gestures of love can go a long way in rebuilding intimacy and trust.

5. Seek Professional Help

If you are still having trouble fixing the trust issues on your own, you can try with a professional. A marriage counsellor or therapist can help you significantly. They’ve seen so many similar situations in the past and can tell you what would work for you.

They can provide guidance, facilitate constructive communication, and help both partners understand each other’s perspectives.

What if I can never trust my husband again?

You can! You can trust your husband again. If trust has been lost, you don’t need to give up on your marriage. It is important to resolve conflicts and trust your husband again using the tips listed above. While you do this, do it with patience and understanding. Give it your all! 

For instance, “And if you fear a breach between them, appoint an arbitrator from his people and an arbitrator from her people. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah will cause it between them.” (Quran 4:35)

This verse highlights just how important reconciliation is to avoid further misunderstandings and even divorce. In many cases, involving a trusted third party can help significantly.


Trust is an essential element of a healthy marriage. If you find yourself struggling with trust issues regarding your husband, it’s important to recognize the signs, reflect on your feelings, and take proactive steps to address the situation. 

Open communication, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help can significantly aid in rebuilding trust. Don’t lose your marriage, fix it!

Talha Ubaidullah
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