How To Perform Ghusl After Period In Islam | The Ultimate Way

Ghusl is the Arabic term that means cleansing and purification of the entire body. It is mandatory that you know how to perform ghusl after a period. Islam puts a lot of significance on cleanliness internally as well as externally.

It should be your duty as a Muslim to ensure your cleanliness and the surroundings. As you perform ghusl, it’s essential that you let the water reach all over your body.

In this article, we shall provide you with an in-depth insight into how to perform Ghusl after Period in Islam

How To Perform Ghusl After Period?

Water Should Reach All Parts of Your Body

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For the obligatory ghusl, you need to ensure that water reaches all parts of your body. Water must reach the roots of your hair as well. So, as a woman, if you have braids, then it needs to be untied for water to reach properly to your scalp. After marriage, you can also take help from your husband while performing Ghusl.  

Umm Salamah asked Prophet Muhammad PBUH –

“I am a woman who braids my hair; should I undo it to make ghusl from janabah (major ritual impurity)?”

Prophet Muhammad PBUH said – “No, it will be sufficient for you to pour three handfuls of water on your head, then pour water over yourself, and then you will be purified.” – Sahih Muslim

How To Perform Ghusl After Period In Islam?

The Ideal Way to Perform Ghusl After Menstruation

After your menses, the best way you can perform obligatory ghusl as a woman is by following the hadith below.

Asma Bint Shakl asked for advice from Prophet Muhammad PBUH on how a woman should perform ghusl after her menses.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH replied – “One of you should take water and lotus leaves and purify herself well therewith. Then she should pour water over her head and rub it strongly so that it reaches the roots of her hair, and then pour water over herself. Then she should take a piece of cloth that is scented with musk and purify herself with it.”

Asma asked – “How should she purify herself with it?”

Prophet Muhammad PBUH said in wonder – “‘Subhan Allah (highly exalted is Allah)! Let her purify herself with it.”

Aishah R.A said – “She should follow the traces of blood.” –       Sahih Muslim

Obligatory Actions While Performing Ghusl by a Woman After her Menstruation

For your ghusl to be valid, it is obligatory to perform the actions below –

1. You must rinse 

  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Entire Body

Using water at least once. You need to make sure that water properly reaches every portion of your outer body. It is mandatory that you rinse your body evenly.

2. Water needs to reach underneath the skin of your clitoral hood. You need to make sure that it passes properly through your genitals. Lastly, your eyebrows need to be properly cleaned and rinsed as well.

3. You must properly wet the inside of your belly button. It is mandatory that you ensure any other regions, such as your earring holes, are properly cleansed. This applies to any portion of your body that isn’t sealed.

You may simply carry out the act of ghusl using water. It isn’t necessary to use soap, conditioner, or shampoo.

After marriage, your husband must be understanding & supportive towards you. It is vital that you talk to your spouse about your menstruation cycle.  

performing Ghusl by a woman after her menstruation

Performing Ghusl by Following the Sunnah Actions

Wives of Prophet Muhammad PBUH explained how the Prophet used to perform ghusl

Below is the step-by-step process you should follow while performing ghusl

1. Have the intention from your heart to perform ghusl sincerely for the sake of Allah SWT. Before you reveal your nakedness (awra), say –

‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’

You should also say this when washing your hands up to your wrists.

  1. You must wash away all the filth remaining in any portion of your body.
  2. Make it a habit to wash your private parts, even if you feel it is free of filth.
  3. Perform ablution by following the Sunnah acts, similar to the one for prayer.
  4. You need to pour water all over your body three times and make sure it is clean and rinsed. You can do this easily under a showerhead.
  5. You are advised to clean from your head and proceed with cleaning your right shoulder and then the left shoulder. Lastly, rinse the remaining of your body.
  6. It is a Sunnah for you to be using your hands to let the water flow along your limbs during the first wash. You should remember to wash the body parts sequentially.

Water Requirements During Ghusl

Similar to ablution, few types of water are permissible for usage during ghusl and some are not. Some of these permissible sources of water are 

  1. Well water
  2. Rainwater
  3. Spring or river water
  4. Water from melting ice
  5. Water from a tank or pond

Things that are considered Makruh during ghusl

A few of the things that are considered makruh during ghusl are –

  1. If you talk during the ghusl
  2. If you recite any dua other than Bismillah
  3. Performing ghusl that is opposite to obligatory ghusl 
  4. If you perform ghusl when someone else watches, you
  5. Performing ghusl while being naked and facing the Kaaba 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean by the ritual ghusl?

This is when you bathe your entire body when no dry spots remain.

Allah SWT said – “O Believers! If you are in a state of major impurity [that needs ritual bath], then purify yourselves.”
– Al Maida; 6

Which are the mandatory acts that I should follow while doing the ghusl?

Some of the mandatory acts that you should follow during ghusl are –

  1. Wash your mouth properly.
  1. Wash the insides of your nostrils.
  2. Wash your entire body & hair so that no dry spot remains.

In which situations is it mandatory for us to take ghusl?

Some scenarios when it is mandatory for us to take ghusl are –

  1. Once your menstruation ends
  2. After you have had sexual intercourse
  3. Once your postpartum bleeding ends  

What are some of the Sunnah that I should follow while performing ghusl?

Some of the Sunnah of ghusl are –

  1. You need to make it a habit of performing ablution.
  2. You must wash both of your hands up to your wrist.
  3. Make sure that you wash your private parts using your left hand & proceed with removing any filth from your body.
  4. Proceed with pouring water over your head 3 times. Ensure that you’re rubbing all the hair on your head so that water reaches the roots of the hair.

What are some of the obligatory acts of ghusl?

There are three obligatory acts that you must follow. If you omit any of these acts, you must go back and complete the acts as mentioned in the order below. 

  1. Wash the entirety of your body
  2. You must sniff water and blow it out
  3. Rinse properly the inside of your mouth

Which are the types by the purpose of ghusl that I must perform?

It becomes mandatory for you to perform ghusl for the 6 causes mentioned below – 

  1. Ghusl Nifas – After vaginal discharge up to 6 weeks, that happens after childbirth
  2. Ghusl Mas-hil Mayyit – This applies if you touch a dead body
  3. Ghusl Istihada – Applicable if you have irregular bleeding
  4. Ghusl Mayyit – Performed on dead Muslims
  5. Ghusl Janabat – After sexual intercourse
  6. Ghusl Hayd – After menstruation


Proper manners during the ghusl is the same as the ones you follow during ablution. Except that you do not face the Qibla or do dhikr out loud as you remain naked. The actions which are disliked during ablution are the same as the ones disliked during ghusl.

Upon going through this article, you shall have a detailed understanding of how to perform ghusl after period in Islam.

Talha Ubaidullah
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11 thoughts on “How To Perform Ghusl After Period In Islam | The Ultimate Way”

    • Hadith is an Arabic word, which literally means statement, talk, story, conversation or communication. It also means new. “Hadith is a talk and which may be brief or elaborated.” Technically Hadith means the narration of the sayings, doings or approvals (Taqrir) of Muhammad (peace be upon him).

  1. Alhumdulillah, Shukran. And is it not necessary to blow surahs into water such as 4 quls ayatul kursi and Fatiha? for purification after menstruation

  2. Thank you so much!! I have learned a lot. I was also wondering if we should do ghusl after masturbating? I am sorry if this question is inappropriate.

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