Top 15 Signs Your Marriage Will End in Divorce

Marriage is viewed as a sacred contract between two individuals, a union blessed by Allah in Islam, which underpins a family’s social and spiritual life. Marriages can face challenges, and you must recognize the signs that may indicate the path towards divorce.

One of the most common signs is frequent and unresolved arguments, leading to emotional detachment and loneliness. A lack of communication, emotional disconnect, financial strain, and deceit can also be significant indicators.

Infidelity and the violation of trust can greatly undermine the foundation of a marriage. Also, many other factors, such as abuse or addiction, can contribute to the decision to end a marriage.

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Here, we’re about to dive into the top 15 signs your marriage will end in divorce. So, you can start to look out for these signs and act accordingly.

15 Signs Your Marriage Will End in Divorce According to Islamic Sariah

There are several signs to consider in your married life that can bring divorce.

●   Frequent and unresolved arguments

●   Emotional detachment and loneliness

●   Lack of communication

●   Financial strain and deceit

●   Infidelity and violation of trust

●   Living separate lives

●   Neglecting Islamic principles and values

●   Refusal to seek help

●   Consistently negative outlook

●   Lack of physical intimacy

●   Physical and substance abuse

●   Interference from family

●   Holding onto the marriage solely for children

●   Control and domination

●   Inability to apologize or forgive

Let’s see each of these points in further detail to better understand the signs of separation that will end in divorce.

No 01. Frequent and Unresolved Arguments

15 Signs Your Marriage Will End in Divorce - Frequent and Unresolved Arguments

When disagreements become regular and remain unresolved, it signifies a deeper issue within the relationship. Continuous arguments can erode the foundation of trust and understanding between spouses, leading to emotional distance and resentment.

Ideally, you should approach these conflicts with openness, empathy, and a willingness to find common ground.

No 02. Emotional Detachment and Loneliness

An emotionally detached spouse can show signs such as avoiding deep conversations or not feeling heard or understood by their spouse. Even so, loneliness can make you feel isolated and disconnected from your partner despite being physically present.

Through marriage, Islam encourages spouses to provide emotional support and companionship to each other. Without these essential elements, the relationship can suffer significant distress and strain, causing signs of emotional divorce.

No 03. Lack of Communication

Lack of Communication

Communication is essential for a healthy and successful marital relationship. It involves actively listening to your spouse, expressing your thoughts and feelings, and understanding each other’s needs. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings arise, and conflicts become unresolved.

No 04. Financial Strain and Deceit

Narrated by `Abdullah bin `Umar, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “…A man is the guardian of his family (household) and is responsible for his subjects; a woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and of his children and is responsible for them…” [Sahih al-Bukhari, 7138].

A financial strain such as excessive debt or inability to meet financial obligations can significantly strain the relationship.

Also, deceit in financial matters, such as hiding debts or making financial decisions without consulting the other partner, can erode trust and create resentment. When it happens, the signs of divorce are near.

No 05. Infidelity and Violation of Trust

Infidelity and Violation of Trust

Infidelity and the violation of trust can devastate any marriage, and it’s no different in an Islamic marriage. When infidelity occurs, it not only breaks the trust between spouses but also undermines the foundation of the marriage. Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful can result in a deep betrayal and hurt.

No 06. Living Separate Lives

In the holy Quran, Allah says, (And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.) (Ar-Rum 30: 21)

According to Islamic principles, if you spend most of your time apart, do separate things, and have minimal interaction, your marriage may be headed for divorce. Living separate lives can create a sense of distance and disconnection between spouses, leading to loneliness and dissatisfaction.

No 07. Neglecting Islamic Principles and Values

As per Islamic Sariah, Muslim couples who ignore Islamic values and principles are putting their relationship at risk and may end up divorcing.

In Islam, marriage is seen as a sacred bond built upon the pillars of faith, love, and mutual respect. It’s essential to uphold these principles and values to maintain a strong and healthy marriage.

Neglecting them can lead to a breakdown in communication, loss of trust, and a sense of disconnect between you and your spouse. You should remember the principles of Islam and strive to incorporate them into your daily lives as a couple.

No 08. Refusal to Seek Help

Refusal to Seek Help

When facing marital difficulties, seeking guidance and counseling is highly encouraged in Islam. Refusing to do so can show a lack of effort and willingness to work on the relationship, ultimately leading to signs a couple will divorce.

Help from scholars, counselors, or trusted people in the community can provide valuable insight and guidance. Remember that seeking help doesn’t signify weakness or failure but rather a commitment to preserving the sacred bond of marriage.

No 09. Consistently Negative Outlook

If you consistently have a negative outlook on your marriage, it is a sign that it may end in divorce. A persistently negative outlook indicates a lack of faith in reconciliation.

Recognize that negativity can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, hindering your ability to see the positive aspects of your relationship.

No 10. Lack of Physical Intimacy

According to Islamic morality, the absence of physical intimacy can contribute to the dissolution of a marriage. In Islam, physical intimacy is crucial in fostering a strong bond between spouses.

Physical intimacy, which includes affection, touch, and affectionate intimacy, isn’t only a means of pleasure but a way for spouses to connect on a deep level.

When there’s a lack of intimacy, it can create feelings of isolation, loneliness, and dissatisfaction within the marriage.

No 11. Physical and Substance Abuse

Physical and Substance Abuse

Physical and substance abuse are clear signs that a marriage is heading towards divorce.

A form of physical abuse, such as hitting, slapping, or verbal abuse that causes pain, distress, or injury, is unacceptable in Islam. Also, substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, is not allowed, as it can lead to neglect, broken trust, and a lack of stability in the marital relationship.

It can also cause physical harm, emotional distress, and financial strain, making it harder for couples to maintain a healthy and stable relationship.

No 12. Interference From Family

One of the most significant signs that your marriage may end in divorce is if there’s constant interference from family members. While family support is important, excessive involvement can create tension and strain the marital relationship.

In Islam, the autonomy and privacy of the couple are highly valued. Family members should provide guidance and support without imposing their opinions or interfering in the couple’s decisions and conflicts.

When family members consistently meddle in the affairs of the marriage, it can lead to decreased trust, resentment, and communication breakdown.

No 13. Holding Onto the Marriage Solely for Children

If you’re holding on to your marriage only for the children’s sake without addressing the underlying problems, your marriage is likely to end in divorce. Parents set the example for their children, so if a couple stays together while living in an unsatisfactory marriage, they’ll likely hurt their kids.

While your children’s well-being is paramount, you must also recognize that a healthy and harmonious marriage is in their best interests.

No 14. Control and Domination

Control and Domination

If your spouse exerts excessive control and dominates your every move, it indicates that your marriage may end in divorce. In Islam, marriage is a partnership built on mutual respect and cooperation.

When one partner seeks to control and dominate the other, it erodes the foundation of trust and equality essential for a healthy marital relationship.

No 15. Inability to Apologize or Forgive

A healthy marriage requires apologizing when you’ve done wrong and forgiving when your spouse has erred. In Islamic teachings, forgiveness and mercy are highly regarded virtues. Having trouble apologizing or forgiving each other can build unresolved grudges and bitterness, leading to divorce.

Save Your Marriage from Divorce by Following Islamic Shariah

Now you know the 15 signs your marriage will end in divorce and understand when to call it quits.

While divorce is permitted as a last resort, it is surrounded by guidelines and steps outlined in Islamic Shariah to ensure fairness and justice for all parties involved. Recognizing the signs that a marriage may be on the path to divorce is vital to addressing underlying issues and seeking reconciliation.

Islam encourages couples to exhaust all efforts to salvage their marriage through communication, compromise, and counseling. Marriage can be upheld as a sanctity by heeding the signs of a failing marriage and seeking guidance from Islamic scholars or counselors.

Talha Ubaidullah
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