What Is Haram For A Woman In Islam? Complete List

For Muslim women, adhering to the laws and principles that govern their daily lives is a crucial aspect of their faith. In Islam, some actions and behaviors are considered haram or forbidden. As a Muslim woman, you must know what is considered haram and adhere to these laws.

Several activities are considered haram for women in Islam, such as not covering their heads in front of non-Mahram and marrying non-Muslim men. Also, disobedience towards one’s husband and physical interaction with other men are forbidden.

Throughout this article, we will discuss the things that are considered haram for a woman in Islam. We will examine the reasons behind these restrictions, the significance of upholding them, and the empowerment from observing them.

Haram Things for a Woman According to Islam

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Several actions are considered prohibited for a Muslim lady. These include:

1. Uncovered Head

What Is Haram For A Woman In Islam - Uncovered Head

When going outside, an uncovered head is considered forbidden for a woman according to Islamic Shariah. The practice of covering the head, known as the Hijab, is seen as a way to uphold the principles of modesty and maintain a sense of dignity.

It serves as a shield against unwarranted attention and helps to shift the focus from physical appearance to a woman’s inner spirituality. By wearing hijab, women are empowered to express their faith and assert their identity as Muslims.

2. Marrying Non-Muslim Men

If you’re a Muslim woman, it’s haram for you to marry a non-Muslim man according to Islamic law. This prohibition is based on the belief that marriage is a commitment to the husband’s religion and values.

Also, this rule aims to preserve the religious identity and values of the Muslim wife, ensuring a harmonious and spiritually fulfilling union.

According to Surah: Al-Baqarah, Ayat:221,

“Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe; for a believing slave-woman is better than a free polytheist, even though she may look pleasant to you. And do not marry your women to polytheistic men until they believe, for a believing slave-man is better than a free polytheist, even though he may look pleasant to you. They invite ˹you˺ to the Fire while Allah invites ˹you˺ to Paradise and forgiveness by His grace. He makes His revelations clear to the people so perhaps they will be mindful.”

3. Disobeying Husband

Disobeying Husband

To maintain a harmonious marital relationship, it’s haram for a Muslim woman to disobey her husband. Obedience isn’t about being subservient, but rather about following Islamic teachings and avoiding actions that could harm the marriage.

Islam emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and cooperation between spouses. Disobeying one’s husband can lead to conflicts and discord within the family, which goes against the principles of Islam.

4. Physical Interaction with Other Men

Islam forbids women from having physical interactions with men who aren’t their spouses. Islam places a strong emphasis on modesty and the preservation of physical intimacy within the confines of marriage.

This means that women are encouraged to refrain from casual touch, embraces, or any other form of physical contact with men who aren’t their husbands. According to Surah: An-Nur, Ayat:31,

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O  believers, so that you may be successful.”

Also, Allah warns us in Surah: Al-Ahzab, Ayat: 53,

“O believers! Do not enter the homes of the Prophet without permission ˹and if invited˺ for a meal, do not ˹come too early and˺ linger until the meal is ready. But if you are invited, then enter ˹on time˺. Once you have eaten, then go on your way, and do not stay for casual talk. Such behaviour is truly annoying to the Prophet, yet he is too shy to ask you to leave. But Allah is never shy of the truth. And when you ˹believers˺ ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier. This is purer for your hearts and theirs. And it is not right for you to annoy the Messenger of Allah, nor ever marry his wives after him. This would certainly be a major offence in the sight of Allah.”

5. Traveling Alone

Traveling Alone

Traveling alone is considered forbidden for Muslim women. The prevailing viewpoint emphasizes the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of women during their journeys.

This concern arises from the potential challenges and risks women may face while traveling alone. In certain parts of the world, women are more likely to face crime and sexual harassment when they travel alone.

6. Fitted and Cleavage Clothes

The importance of modesty extends to a woman’s clothing choices in Islam. Islamic guidelines emphasize the need for women to cover their bodies with loose-fitting garments that conceal their hair, neck, and chest. This includes a prohibition against wearing fitted or revealing clothes that expose cleavage.

It is said in the hadith,

‘A woman who wears clothes but is naked, who herself is astray and leads others astray. They will not enter Paradise, nor will they smell the fragrance of Paradise. But the scent of Paradise can be found from a distance of five hundred years. [Muatta Imam Malik, Hadith: 1661]

It is also narrated in Saheeh Muslim (2128) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,

“There are two types of the people of Hell whom I have not seen: people with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they beat the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, misguided and leading others astray, with their heads like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will not enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance may be detected from such and such a distance.” 

7. Wearing Nail Polish

Wearing Nail Polish

When considering nail polish, Muslim women should be aware that its use is considered haram by some scholars.

Nail polish forms a barrier over the nails, which can hinder the ablution process (wudu). Ablution is a prerequisite for certain acts of worship, such as prayer, and any barrier preventing water from reaching the nails is discouraged.

8. Eyebrow Plucking

Plucking eyebrows is prohibited for women according to Islam. According to Islamic teachings, altering one’s natural features for the sake of beauty is discouraged.

Eyebrows play an important role in framing the face, and maintaining its natural appearance is seen as part of respecting the fitnah, or a person’s natural disposition.

9. Tattooing


If you’re considering getting a tattoo, remember that tattooing is considered haram for both men and women in Islam. Our body is considered a gift from Allah and should be kept in its natural state. Tattooing involves permanently altering the body, which goes against this belief.

10. Wearing Wigs

The prohibition on wearing wigs or fake hair stems from the principle of honesty and straightforwardness that Islam promotes.

Some scholars may argue that wearing wigs or hair extensions can be seen as deception about one’s natural appearance. Islam encourages individuals to present themselves truthfully and authentically without using artificial means to enhance their physical attributes.

11. Using Perfume in Public

Using Perfume in Public

Using perfume in public is considered unlawful for a woman in Islam. This is because the teachings of Islam emphasize modesty and discourage actions that may attract undue attention.

Women are advised to avoid strong or fragrant perfumes in public spaces as they may lead to inappropriate interactions or distractions. The goal is to create an environment that promotes modesty and focuses on inner beauty rather than external adornments.

The Commitment and Guidelines of Being a Muslim Woman

Being a Muslim woman requires a commitment to the laws and principles of Islamic Shariah. Understanding what is considered haram is essential and requires adherence to these guidelines. By avoiding these prohibited acts, women can maintain their religious integrity and uphold the principles of their faith.

Muslim women can’t engage in certain activities, such as wearing figure-hugging clothes or traveling alone without a Mahram as per our beliefs. As long as Muslim women follow these teachings, they can live a modest, respectful, and pleasing life to Allah.

Talha Ubaidullah
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