Can You Read Quran After Intercourse?

In Islam, the Quran holds significant importance as the word of the Almighty. It is the primary source of guidance and a means of connecting with Allah (SWT). As a Muslim, you have to know the proper etiquette and rules for interacting with the Quran.

One question that arises in this regard is whether you can read the Quran after intercourse. Based on the consensus among Islamic scholars and Hadiths, it is not permissible to read the Quran in any form while in a state of Janabah (major impurity) after engaging in intercourse.

We will discuss the authentic hadith-based evidence that prohibits reading the Quran after a sexual encounter.

Can You Read Quran After Intercourse: Shariah-Based Evidence

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The Islamic Shariah provides clear evidence that reading the Quran after intercourse is prohibited. Below are some references that highlight this ruling:

Can You Read Quran After Intercourse?

Prohibition of Reading Quran After Intercourse

Recitation of the Quran is prohibited after intercourse due to the requirement of being in a state of purity (taharah) to engage with the sacred text. Islamic scholars have unanimously agreed upon this.

When you’re in a state of Janabah, which is the state of major impurity following sexual discharge, it’s impermissible to recite the Quran.

This prohibition applies to reciting from memory, reading from a physical copy, or even reciting from electronic devices. The rationale behind this prohibition lies in the importance of being in a state of purity to approach the Quran.

The Prophet Muhammad would refrain from reciting the Quran when in a state of Janabah, as mentioned in several hadiths. One Hadith is found in Sunan an-Nasa’i 265, in which ‘Abdullah bin Salimah states: 

“I came to ‘Ali with two other men and he said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (S) used to come out of the toilet and recite Quran, and he would eat meat with us and nothing would prevent him from (reciting) Qur’an except Janabah.”

Another hadith found in Jami` at-Tirmidhi 146, Ali (RA) narrated: “Allah’s Messenger would recite the Qur’an in all conditions, as long as he was not Junub.”

So, it’s clear from these Hadith references that reading the Quran while in a state of Janabah is not permissible. Performing the ritual purification bath (ghusl) before engaging with the Quran is recommended.

Permissibility of Listening to the Quran in a State of Janabah

Listening to the Quran in a state of Janabah is permissible, provided that the listener refrains from moving their tongue or lips during the recitation.

Shaykh Ibn Baz, a renowned Islamic scholar, has clarified that there’s no issue with listening to the recitation of the Quran in the state of Janabah. In fact, he emphasizes the benefits of such an act.

However, it’s important to adhere to the condition of maintaining a passive role and avoiding any physical engagement in recitation. Imam Malik’s perspective on the definition of recitation further supports this permissibility.

Therefore, you should be mindful not to move your tongue or lips while listening to the Quran recitation in the state of Janabah.

Stay Away From Reading the Quran in an Impure State

As a Muslim, understanding the etiquette of interacting with the Quran is essential. According to consensus among Islamic scholars, supported by authentic hadiths, affirms that reading the Quran after intercourse (while in a state of Janabah) is impermissible.

The emphasis on purity aligns with the reverence for the sacred text. However, you can listen to the Quran in this state if you maintain a passive role. Before engaging with the Quran, Ghusl (ritual purification bath) is recommended so that your connection is according to Islamic principles.



Omar Abdullah

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