Can Muslims Eat Marshmallows | What’s The Truth?

As a Muslim, you might have pondered the question, “Can Muslims eat marshmallows?”. The truth is, it is halal to consume marshmallows as long as they are made from halal animals, such as cows and poultry. They have to be slaughtered according to the Islamic guidelines. If Muslims also want to try out fish and plant-based marshmallows, that is also permissible in Islam. 

Let’s take a look into this matter deeply in this article. 

Why Can’t Muslims Eat Marshmallows?

Islam does not forbid the consumption of marshmallows as long as they don’t contain haram substances. Typically, marshmallows contain gelatin, a protein found in the bones, skins, and tissues of animals. It is a colorless, jelly-like substance formed by boiling the animal remains in water for a prolonged period. 

Can Muslims Eat Marshmallows
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Marshmallows can either be halal-certified or non halal-certified. It depends on the source from which gelatin is extracted. According to a statement by the Islamic Fiqh Council, “It is permissible to use gelatin that is extracted from permissible substances and permissible animals that have been slaughtered in the prescribed manner, and it is not permissible to extract it from haram sources such as the skin and bones of pigs and other haram animals and haram substances.”

Some specialists say that if the gelatin obtained from haram animals undergoes a complete transformation, meaning it is no longer impure, then it can be considered permissible for consumption. However, others disagree that the chemical processes involved in extracting gelatin do not result in complete transformation as the product still contains some of the characteristics of the impure source. 

Despite the opposing views, it is safe to say that Muslims can eat marshmallows only if they are made from halal animals and substances. 

Also Check: Why Muslims Don’t Eat Pork?

Why is Gelatin Added to Marshmallows?

Gelatin is the crucial component of marshmallows which is responsible for the gooey, elastic texture and rigid shape. Not only that but also it retains the goodness of added ingredients, such as sugar and flavorings. The reason why marshmallows have a long shelf life of about 24 months is also because of the gelatin.

Why is Gelatin Added to Marshmallows?

How is Gelatin Made?

If you’re wondering how gelatin is made, here is the process as follows:

1. Animal skins, bones, and tissues are carefully selected to ensure safety and quality. 

2. These raw materials are pre-treated with acid or alkaline to remove impurities.

3. The materials are simmered in hot water and extracted in a multi-stage process.

4. The gelatin solution is filtrated to remove fibers and fine particles. It undergoes another purification step where all types of salts are removed. 

5. The solution is then vacuum-evaporated to form a thick, honey-like substance.

6. The gelatin solution is then cooled and dried before they are ground into powder. 

What Are the Halal Alternatives to Marshmallows?

Can Muslims eat marshmallows? They don’t necessarily need to refrain from their desire to eat marshmallows when there are halal alternatives available. 

Instead of gelatin, there are marshmallows made of plant-based substitutes, such as agar-agar, carrageenan, and pectin. Some brands of halal marshmallows are as follows:

  • Haribo Chamallows
  • Ziyad Halal Marshmallows (Jumbo/Large/Mini)
  • Bebeto Watermelon Marshmallows
  • Wellmade White Marshmallows
  • Campfire Marshmallows
  • Sephra Pink and White Marshmallows
  • Dandies Marshmallows
  • Trader’s Joe Marshmallows

How to Make Homemade Halal Marshmallows?

Making marshmallows isn’t a daunting task since it requires a few ingredients. If you prefer making them at home, follow the steps below:

How to Make Homemade Halal Marshmallows?

1. Take a mixing bowl and add ¼ cup of cornflour and ½ cup of icing sugar. Mix them well.

2. Take another bowl and cover it with a plastic wrapper or aluminum foil. 

3. Using a sieve, sprinkle some of the powdered mixture into the bowl. 

4. Take a cup and add 2 tablespoons of halal gelatin or agar-agar powder.

5. Pour 1 cup of boiled water into the cup and mix it thoroughly.

6. Take a pan and add 1 cup of water and  3/2 cup of sugar. Heat the mixture and stir it until it becomes perfectly consistent.

7. Add the gelatin mixture into the pan and boil it until the solution becomes viscous.

8. Pour the mixture into a bowl and beat it until it becomes white.

9. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence or your preferred flavoring. 

10. Whisk the mixture until it reaches a thicker consistency. 

11. Pour some of the mixture into the covered bowl containing the powdered mixture.

12. Remove any large bubbles with the help of a toothpick.

13. Pour the rest of the mixture into a separate bowl and add a few drops of your preferred food coloring.

14. Whisk the mixture properly.

15. Repeat step 12

16. Place the bowls in the refrigerator and leave them until they become firm. It is a good idea to refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

17. Take a flat tray and sprinkle a generous amount of the icing sugar mixture.

18. Take out the large slabs of marshmallows and place them onto the tray.

19. Apply some of the icing sugar mixture to a large knife and use it to remove the wrapper carefully. 

20. Coat the marshmallow slab with the powdered mixture and use a knife to carefully cut it into small blocks.


1. Are Marshmallows Haram?

Marshmallows as a confectionery product are not haram in general. What makes them haram is only if they are manufactured from haram sources, like pigs and toxic plants. The Holy Quran says:

“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.” [Al-Qur’an 5:3]

2. Do Jet Puffed Marshmallows Have Pork Gelatin?

Yes, Kraft’s Jet-Puffed marshmallows contain pork gelatin, which makes them unsuitable for consumption among both Muslims and vegans. 

3. Do Marshmallows Have Pork In It?

Marshmallows are a type of sweet and fluffy confectionery made from sugar, water, and gelatin. Although the gelatin in most marshmallows is derived from pigs, there is no meat present in it. 

4. How Do I Know If Marshmallows Are Halal?

As a Muslim, you’ll need to be careful before consuming marshmallows. You can’t tell whether it is made from halal or haram substances just by looking at it. 

To be on the safe side, it is better not to consume the confectionery offered to you without any packaging. Some may claim it is halal even when it is not. Therefore, it is a good idea to check the label before consuming or you can make your own halal marshmallows at home. 

5. Are Pink Marshmallows Halal?

There is no rule that marshmallows of a certain color can be identified as halal or haram. They are halal as long as they don’t contain haram ingredients. Before consuming marshmallows, make sure to check the ingredients in the packaging.

Final Thoughts

So, can Muslims eat marshmallows? You’ve clearly found your answer! Marshmallows are halal only when they are made from halal ingredients. Next time you crave some, make sure to look for halal-certified marshmallows. And if you’re feeling creative, you can try out your own marshmallows from scratch.

Talha Ubaidullah
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